Saturday, March 22, 2008

My first Poem : LOVE

The whole world seems against Love,

Sarcasm and taunts being hurled at it.

Wonder why they teach us to love one another,

When differences is all that is amidst each other.

Is it some kind of sin to love....

When all it demands is two souls to vow.

To live in harmony and peace

And abide together in eternal bliss.

I hope someday this world would realise,

That creed and colour be put to demise.

Unconditional love defining every relation..

Would make it a paradise for every generation.

Veronica Angela John


Unknown said...

tooo good hai..... :) just loved it..!!!

PaRaDoX said...

put a nice title re... and the garfield cartoon i just love it . poem toh very very gud hain keep posting.....

Anonymous said...

It means a lot.. Awesum thinking...
specially why do they teach us to love one another thing...
Phaad deri sabki.. Keep It Up...
Help hona toh lemme know.. :)

Anonymous said...

Good going!(Clapping!!) Very touching poem... I was able to feel the kindness, warmth and gentleness of you.... Keep up the good work.

Sahithi said...

Good going!(Clapping!!) Very touching poem... I was able to feel the kindness, warmth and gentleness of you.... Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

veronica this is soo beautiful in every sense..too good for a first try babes..n it got hidden i love it.....keep it up honey and nurture this hidden talent of urs..mmuahh

Unknown said...

well hun its nice way of expressing whats in ur heart...i know every word in this poem is from your heart..well nothing could be better than ya

Vijay Anand said...

brilliant first try, i'd say
kinda reflects the innermost longings of most humans and if it doesnt, they're not very human, are they?

keep rocking...


Shiny Moses said...

hey vera !
i really loved ur poem .. brings out d true feeelings .. thoughts which i dint kno how to express ...
hope u wud come wit some more great expressions ..
love ya !

Anonymous said...

wht a compotion it's fabulous,intoxicating,enchanting,breathtaking,mindblowing.hope u keep writing more like this.gina

Preeti said...

It was composed beautifully........keep it goin vero,your poem will surely inspire lot of people who are living with hatred in this world....preeti masi.

Unknown said...

there r moments in life wen words r not enough 2 express abt wat u feel... n readin ur poem has given me 1 such moment... i am SPEECHLESS readin ur poem... ur 1st eva poem... i am juz so very PROUD of u.. every word of ur poem is filled wid honesty, thts within u.... ur innocence... how things matter 2 u.... it shows wat u r as a person... am glad tht u made such a fruitfull attempt 2 write a poem... n i wish 2 c many more of these... god bless u!!!!!! keep up d gud work... lotsa love.... muaahhhhhh... d poem is simply BEAUTIFULL!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

The 1st poem...excellent beginning manh. Totally conveying the point across. I think its ur most powerful poem. U found the right words to express exactly wt u felt hon. Completely agree with u! Keep at it veron!

Veronica said...

thank u so much ppl:) muah

RoViNg VaGaBoNd said...

Well too many Comments! DOnt knw wer i Stand! But still I would say!

I have fallen in love with your poems!


Manish Dugar said...

ur first poem is so full of love, no wonder u fell in love with poetry then on.. unconditionally beautiful.
