Monday, December 15, 2008

My College Life

College life is all about building your career is what our elders say,

As for me, the best time of life to make the most of each day.

The high spirits with the rib- tickling humor and my books in the shade,

Which later I regret could have fetched me a better grade.

Learning the vital values of life the harder way,

Keeping all the advices and experiences heard at bay.

Cherishing every precious moment spent with friends,

Fighting against odds and iniquities at life’s bends.

But as someday every good thing comes to an end,

So would be the same when I from this stage would descend.

And I’d be geared up to face the worst amongst the herd,

That which molded me for a better living in this realistic world.

Veronica Angela John.


Unknown said...

good one! very close to every student [:)]...

Unknown said...

The rhymin is superb.. words awesome and Poem on the whole is what all the students feel.. U put it in ryt words and made it what is means... Awesome work :D

Veronica said...

thank u..thank u :)

Unknown said...

hey chillz....what can i say....very nice poetry
the words you have used, the way u started it, developed it and finally the finish ...its all very well executed.

This poetry also turned on the poet in me....hehe
will write something very soon... you Please keep posting more and more

Roop said...

All i can say is that VERONICA u SIMPLY ROCK - lovely poem very touching and just amazing....
keep writing daffy....
u have many more to pen down

Veronica said...

@ susheel- thank u hunu...

@ roop - Thanks goooofyy!!

Anonymous said...

not sure how I landed up on this page, probably just clicked next on the blogger tab I guess- But glad I did! This is really great..2 years after leaving college I do miss college a lot :) and you do capture the beauty well

Sahithi said...

I never knew u had a poet hidden in u.. :)...sorry a poetess .... whatever..!!!!..But NICE... :) :)

Veronica said...

thanks guys:)

ArchAngel said...

Truely amazing :))

Anonymous said...

nee orkut lo link thanthe ikadavachi padda.. nee name veronica masth undhi.. and a glod fish kuda super undhi... masth undhi nee blog..

Veronica said...

lol.. thanks ppl:)

Satty said...

hey verons that was awesom ra ,,,really miss my coll... days too,,,,gud usage of words..really appreciatte ....newayz waitin 4ur next blog ,,keep bloggin!!!! :)

Engineer_4m_hyd said...

Great Work !!!!
Very well portrayed emotions :)

Veronica said...

thank you :)

vinod said...

Impressed..!!! nice:-)keep posting..

naveen said...

hey...nice poems....i too have a habit of writing small poems.just check out when you are free.cheers
